Goa Livelihoods Forum is a nonprofit think tank dedicated to the all-round development of Goa, with a strategic focus on Livelihoods, in consonance with the State’s priorities. GLF has been nurtured by FIDR with support from diverse stakeholders of Goa. The Forum includes community representatives, sector experts, professionals, corporates, entrepreneurs and all willing contributors to and volunteers for the socio-economic well being of the state. GLF is founded on the principle that quality of life is intrinsically related to the pursuit of livelihood and that the pursuit of livelihood of choice is more valuable for those at the bottom rung of the economic ladder.



Undertake development programs through “Partners for Possibility”

Coordination and organisation of a Think tank gathering

The organisation of workshops-debates, roundtables, focus group discussions

Publication and spread of analysis, reflections and innovative proposals

The realisation of studies and research with academic centres

PED Program – Help Participate, Engage and Develop the Youth of Goa 

Create “Music of Livelihood” project with the help of community amateurs

The organisation conducts surveys and prepare business plan and CSR activities plan.


What We Do

  • Demographic and Geographic Assessment
  • Researching selected Sectors like Mining, Agriculture, Fishing etc.
  • Developing local alliances & partnership
  • Stakeholder outreach and mobilisation
  • Capacity building
  • State-level advocacy
  • Facilitating workshops
  • Building collaboration amongst policy makers and civil society leaders

Government Partners – Foundations

GOA Government

Partners – Foundations
